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#304: Conversations With Different Viewpoints Pt 2



We have often asked the question 'what is the most important thing you have to teach kids' we often find ourselves coming back to the idea of teaching them how gather information and form their own opinions. We want them to gather facts and decide for themselves how they see the world and the things that happen in it. When we take in new information our beliefs and opinions can often change. This happens to us quite naturally as we grow up and learn from our mistakes. We learn that things we thought were important aren't and our views on important issues may change. But this can be hard in our modern world because so much of our beliefs are tied to our identities and the groups we belong to are often times reenforcing our beliefs. So what happens when we hold the beliefs of a particular group, but then we change our minds? We learn new information that changes our view of a situation. That is what we talk about in this episode of the podcast with our friend Ben Scoggan.  How do we teach our kids to be op