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#301: What Story Are You Telling w/ Mark Rivard



Mark Rivard is a professional fine artist, writer, educator, and entrepreneur.  Working out of Minneapolis, MN, Rivard runs the highly regarded arts educational platform Do Rad Things- A Skateboard Art Education, STAGE Culinary, as well as his managing his own brand of products and creative services.  He has shown his work globally and been involved in internationally recognized projects. As we work to bring teachers early in their career the resources and knowledge they need to find success Mark is a perfect candidate to talk about how to bring authenticity to the classroom. Mark is not a traditional teacher, but is an educator in every sense of the word. He found art as a career after several ski accidents and found his way into classrooms by creating art on the bottom of skateboards. In part one of this conversation we hear how Mark uses his passion to create connections with students.  Here are a few other things we talked about:  Skate Culture Life Before Youtube Art for the 'unt