Worst Ever Podcast With Christine And Alaa

Lies/Footballification with James O'Brien



I'm Philip Holden and this is Ideas in Writing - the podcast where we talk to people who use words, about words, using words ...and dispose of them like there's no tomorrow. The guests bring along a word and so do I...and if that's not a copper-bottomed format, I don't know what is...In this episode, I spoke with the journalist, LBC broadcaster and author, James O’Brien about his latest book How Not to be Wrong, the art of changing your mind.James brought along the word footballification which screws up the dictionary link I usually put here so I've linked to tribalism instead. Maybe we can start a campaign to get footballification into the OED. My word was lies. You can probably see the connection.James and I chatted about the events in Washington and how and why liars prosper and how we got to this sorry state. We also talked about his approach to writing his books, his upbringing in a loving adopted family and, what he calls, the 'golden ticket' of an expensive, private education. We also talked about his