Worst Ever Podcast With Christine And Alaa

Palimpsest/Theatre with Ian McMillan



I'm Philip Holden and this is Ideas in Writing - the podcast where we talk to people who use words - written, spoken, performed and even sung and, sometimes only uttered in your mind... The guests bring along a word and so do I...it's all downhill from there on...In this episode I talk to the lovely Ian McMillan – he's a poet, of course, and a playwright and a columnist and you've probasbly seen him on TV and listened to him on BBC radio. But have you seen him on a giant toilet in Leicester Square? No? Well, stay tuned.We talked about Darfield in Yorkshire where he was born and lives, escaping and making a living as a poet. We talked briefly about his daily tweeting and how that sharpens his mind. We also talked about him visiting Tonbridge for an event as soon as possible.Ian - without ever having listened to the podcast before - chose the word palimpsest (see episode one!) whilst I chose theatre - you'll see why if you listen. And don't forget to check out the visual representation of the network of words e