Reality Check With Jeanne Allen

Putting Education in Reach of Every Child, with Denise Gallucci, GEMS Education Americas



Denise Gallucci, chief executive officer of GEMS Education Americas, works tirelessly within and outside of her own company to help build a global citizenry among learners at all levels who can contribute positively and make real change in their own lives and for the world. Denise joins Jeanne on Episode 45 of Reality Check to discuss her experiences as an award-winning educator, successful businesswoman, and chief executive that have led her to believe education is “the link between people all over the world.” Denise and Jeanne discuss schools’ reliance on age-old concepts and tried-and-failed solutions like throwing useless money at issues to no avail, the desperate need for schools to reinvent themselves, why all learners and teachers need to work to innovate -- globally -- and how the world can build critical thinkers and learners of everyone engaged.