Touching Lives With Dr. James Merritt

Inside Scoop



What happened in that upper room to them was a low blow. Their dreams were going up in smoke. Their hopes were being dashed and the world was being turned upside-down. Everything was going wrong. Judas had just left to betray Jesus. Peter had just been told he would soon deny Jesus. Worst of all, Jesus tells them not only that He is going to die, but He is going to leave them. You name it, these disciples felt it. They were depressed, afraid, discouraged, and confused. But Jesus said that the Holy Spirit was so important that it would be to their advantage for Him to physically leave them, so the Spirit could come live inside them. Jesus said we would be better off having the Holy Spirit inside of us than to have Jesus beside us. You read that correctly. We are better off today with the Spirit inside of us than the disciples were with Jesus beside them, and in this message, we are going to learn why that is.