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Hedley Rees



Hedley founded PharmaFlow in 2005 and is managing consultant. He is also a passionate advocate of paradigm shifting modernisation in the life science industry, as well as being author of Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics, J Wiley & Sons, NJ 2011 and Taming the Big Pharma Monster by Speaking Truth to Power, Filament Publishing 2019.In his previous career, Hedley held senior positions at Bayer UK, British Biotech, Vernalis, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (previously J&J), and OSI Pharmaceuticals, (now Astellas). His early career was spent as an industrial engineer in the automotive, consumer durables and FMCG sectors.He graduated from Cardiff University as a production engineer, holds a Diploma in Management Studies from the University of South Wales, and an Executive MBA from Cranfield University School of Management. Affiliations and qualifications include:• Advisory Board Member International Institute for Advanced Purchasing & Su