Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Opposition, Alchemy and A New World in 2021



Will it take the ultimate dichotomy to usher in a "New World?" Here we are, right on the heels of the inauguration of a new U.S. President. Our country is in turmoil. People at are odds, and a global "pandemic" is still at hand. So what are WE going to do? We can make the choice to sit back as armchair quarterbacks and let “fate” play out, or make the decision to ignite our alchemical powers to change the playbook. If you're interested in this important dynamic that is our world today, then be sure to tune in to this special "inaugural"  Conscious Commentary. These are my musings (my weigh in) on what's in front of us. What's behind us. And how we move forward into this Brave New World. Read More: The Alchemy of Dichotomy, Consciousness & Planetary Transformation