Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Past Lives Unveiled! with Barry Eaton and Kathryn Hand



Can we un-peel the layers of life's challenges by examining our past lives? Two experts in the field say, "YES!" https://youtu.be/Vs-nmpFFeKk Past life regression. The very idea has long held a sense of taboo in the mainstream of psycho-therapy. What was once relegated to the woo woo and nonsensical of mental health is now gaining momentum and credibility among the masses. It was my pleasure to welcome researcher and author of Past Lives Unveiled, Barry Eaton to Higher Journeys. Barry is one such individual who feels that our embracing regression as a viable form of personal therapy is a key component in solving the myriad challenges that plague millions of us on this planet. Kathryn Hand, a regression therapist who is highlighted in Barry’s latest book also joined our conversation to add her perspective on the why and how of past life regression as a breakthrough therapy for this new age. Both share their own journey into this burgeoning field and why many of us should consider regression therapy as a part