Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Barry Littleton – On the Reality of Black Extraterrestrials and ET Contact



https://youtu.be/DhTpAQiEb9I At a time when many are still asking if extraterrestrial life is a reality at all, some individuals have graduated past that fundamental question and are now exploring the idea that alien races span the spectrum of our galaxy and beyond! Barry Littleton, an ET contact experiencer and researcher is one such individual. As an African American "experiencer," Barry has been exploring the idea that "black extraterrestrials" exist and what he has found is quite intriguing. Moreover, are these (as he refers to them) "melanin dominant" ET's interacting directly with us here on earth? Barry had much to say on the matter! Barry Littleton in his own words... I was born somewhat awake with fragmented past life memories, and began having paranormal experiences at a very young age. These experiences included telepathic awareness, sometimes seeing or feeling Ghosts, and various Inorganic Beings. Some of these encounters, and the entities themselves had a distinct extraterrestrial origin. T