Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Miguel Mendonca – Hybrid Humans – Are They Walking Amongst Us?



ET Hybrid Humans may be in our midst and they've got something important to share! https://youtu.be/gu9102QaElY When broaching a subject as complex and controversial as the idea that their may in fact be humans who aren’t entirely human - also known as hybrid humans, you undoubtedly get pulled down the proverbial rabbit hole. Such was the case in what you are about to hear. My conversation with the co author of Meet the Hybrids, Miguel Mendonca went in a myriad different directions, yet all connected to this central idea that  humans exist on this planet who are also part ET (extraterrestrial). But this conversation was much more than just about do they exist or do they not? We’ve been down that road before. Here, we discuss the idea of belief vs. truth, and humility, as it relates to the hybrids and of the species at-large. We also address the shadow side of the hybrid experience like abduction, not just by the aliens but by our own (e.g. MILABS) - a constant interplay of shadow and light, where the malevo