Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Grant Cameron – ET Encounters: The Cause and Effect



UFO Researcher Grant Cameron has uncovered some astounding "clues" that may lead to the cause of ET Encounters https://youtu.be/1DL3LMM6zvQ When I spoke with veteran UFO researcher Grant Cameron last year, he was adamant that we are in the "Super Bowl of all stories" when it comes to the ET contact phenomenon. And yes, he does believe this all has some elements of a game. But he feels that we -the people - in the final analysis, will win! That said, Cameron has uncovered some very curious and heretofore hidden aspects to the why and how of the contact phenomenon. In this exclusive interview with Higher Journeys, Cameron identifies some of what he feels encompass in excess of 75 modalities to contact. Some of which some of our most ardent UFO researchers have yet to uncover. Sit back. Listen. And be prepared to be shocked but enlightened about what may actually be causing our encounters with non human intelligence! This is part of our special Conscious Life Expo pre-expo speaker series. Be sure to visit Consc