Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Barry Littleton – ET Contact, Near Death Experience and the Journey of a Lifetime!



Note: Get the FULL episode with Barry Littleton at our YouTube Channel Below. The audio version above is a preview only. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q5-M4-DuNY After a near fatal car accident, not one near death experience but two, and a coma that lasted for weeks, ET contact experiencer Barry Littleton knew that not only would his life never be the same, he KNEW it was time to share his lifelong encounters with non human intelligence with the world. His is not the usual contactee story, if there ever was one. His is a lucid analysis about the nature of contact, the technology that non human intelligence uses not only to power the craft but quite possibly to power us, and why it’s high time for people from all walks of life to come forward with their own ET encounters. Barry Littleton in his own words... I was born somewhat awake with fragmented past life memories, and began having paranormal experiences at a very young age. These experiences included telepathic awareness, sometimes seeing or feeling Gh