Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Reality, the Paranormal, and Why You Need to Pay Attention!



Paranormal phenomena and the true nature of reality - do the two go hand in hand? In this episode of Conscious Commentary we examine the experience of paranormal phenomena in our lives, and why so many deny its reality. Many people treat the “strange” and unusual occurrences in their lives as just imagination, hallucination or momentary delusion. Why is this so? And why are so many resistant to examine the extraordinary encounters they have? In the spirit of transformation, we look at the possible true nature of reality and how embracing the “paranormal” in our lives may just hold a powerful key to our own evolution. We also examine specific “paranormal encounters” including after-death communication or “ADC’s, a term coined by Bill and Judy Guggenheim in their book Hello from Heaven. We look at three fascinating ADC’s including those involving the late pop star, Whitney Houston, Jazz legend Nancy Wilson, and a young woman who heard her “deceased” father’s voice - on the phone! The material from this episode