Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

How Consciousness Creates Reality



It was the famous channeled work known as the Seth Material whose postulate was simply, “consciousness creates reality - not the other way around.” When I first laid my eyes on this small slice of wisdom, it instantly resonated. Consciousness - whatever it is - is the foundation for the reality that we experience, not just an epiphenomenon that is generated by the brain. Though short and to the point, the implications for such an idea are enormous and should not be taken lightly. Here’s why… If consciousness (the invisible) is what gives rise to the reality we experience (the visible), then there are most probably no exceptions to this rule. In other words, we cannot have anything exist in the physical universe without first the idea of it precasting before landing in its final position. Absolutely everything that we see and experience begins as a thought or an idea in the realms of the unseen, from cell structure to earthquakes to wars to trees and rolling hills. But what is that x-factor that makes it