Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

ET Contact vs. Spiritual Awakening – Is There a Connection?



You've had a spiritual awakening but was it really contact with non-human intelligence? In my most recent interview with ET contact researcher Miguel Mendonca we discussed how many individuals who claim to have had repeated contact with non-human intelligence (NHI) are left with a sense of expanded spiritual grounding and as Miguel stated, have gone through positive life transformations as a result of their contact encounters. Sure, there are some who reveal that their interactions with NHI were intimidating or downright terrifying, but based on my own research along with a multitude of discussions with others, both fellow researchers and experiencers alike, the vast majority report benevolent, loving and positive life changing encounters. That said, when we think of the process of what is called spiritual awakening, an often sudden and unprovoked experience in which an individual goes through a profound life transformation, we will hear similar descriptions of positive change, a new sense of self and other