Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

How to Escape The Matrix – It’s Not What You Think!



How one four letter word may be THE Key to unlocking your way out of the Matrix of Reality In a world locked down by rules, regs, and agendas that some say must go according to plan, one might think there's no way out of what has been dubbed "The Prison Planet." The Matrix was a movie that depicted a frightening scenario of the robotic masses and their "handlers" (The Agents) determined to keep tabs on and prevent the public from a life of freedom. The character portrayed as "Neo," once taking the red pill did discover how deep the rabbit hole goes, but he also discovered an inner sanctum; a power woken up out of dormancy, that on some level we all possess. The themes from this film resonated with so many about the constructed nature of physical reality, and how one can escape the proverbial Matrix. But there's another movie that exquisitely captures the idea of a planned or constructed reality.  However in the end, it offers quite a different angle on how one can dissolve what appears to be an inescapable