Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Richard Dolan – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Kind



Who or What is behind the push toward artificial intelligence? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAxqhsVxwVo Are we on the verge of living in a world where artificial intelligence will dominate mankind? This is the question I posed to UFO researcher and alternative historian Richard Dolan while on-location at the 2017 Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree, California. Artificial Intelligence or A.I. is a loaded subject these days. But it’s not just a topic relegated to global think tanks and scientists in search of the next great technological breakthrough. This is a reality that every single individual on this planet will have to contend with, like it or not. Richard had some great insights to share on this important and controversial subject. Here's some of what we discussed; The history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the new world. Ray Kurzweil's view on A.I., and transhumanism. The birth of the Singularity. The role ET's may be playing in the design of an A.I. planet. The fut