Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Robert Davis, Ph.D – The Science of ET Contact and Other Paranormal Encounters



Is there a science to the UFO and ET Contact experience? For a field of study that is still regarded with much speculation, there’s one individual that would argue that a scientific method for understanding this complex web of contact experience is long overdue, and that’s internationally recognized neuroscientist and a former professor at The State University of New York, Dr. Bob Davis. What began as a passion for understanding the reality of non-human intelligence after having his own up close UFO sighting has led him to serve as a board member for FREE - The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Bob brings such a measure of academic integrity to this subject but with a healthy dose of humility and curiosity. A combination that no doubt will bring us closer to understanding ET contact phenomenon is really all about. Although FREE's primary mission is to develop a more cogent approach to understanding the ET contact dynamic, by way of their study in which they have s