Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Linda Moulton Howe and Barbara Lamb – The Galactic War Beneath Our Feet?



Galactic War - Not Just the Stuff of Star Wars Anymore! https://youtu.be/eP_alrEh2oY Is there a galactic war happening right under our feet? As if the wars that we are seeing play out on the surface of the earth weren’t enough to rattle our cages, the RATTLING or as Linda Moulton Howe describes as “big booms,” that’ve have been steadily reported since 2011 may be indicating that humans are in an all out battle with non human forces - underground. I spoke with Linda, along with crop circle expert and hypnotherapist Barbara Lamb about the increasing anomalies that refuse to relent from our reality. What are they indicating?  And when, if ever, will we find out what’s REALLY going on? Listen to what Linda and Barbara have to say about the real life Star Wars that may be happening right beneath our feet! Relevant links from this episode: Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has Gone Hot! - David Wilcock A Mysterious Boom Rattles New Yorkers - The New York Times Linda Moulton Howe on Strange Booms Explai