Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Trish and Rob MacGregor – Synchronicity, Precognition and Sensing the Future



Precognition - Are we just glimpsing the future or creating it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5zLk7uJ_7U That was the question I posed to researchers and authors Rob and Trish MacGregor during our interview to discuss precognition and their brand new book, Sensing the Future - How to Tap Into Your Intuition and Read Signs From the Universe to Predict What's to Come. While cloaked in more common terms such as omen or premonition, precognition is something that many of us have had on occasion. But the stories that Rob and Trish share about such "glimpses" into the future will be enough to stand you on your ear! From heartwarming to horrifying, the stories you'll hear will no doubt make you think twice about how we are connected to absolutely everything and everyone, and with no apparent boundaries of time and space! Relevant links from this episode: Seth - The Spiritual Teacher that Launched the New Age Sept 11, Japanese Tsunami: People Claim Premonitions, Predicted Them Wholeness and the Implicate Orde