Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Miguel Mendonca – ET Disclosure is Ours for the Taking!



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFbK6ccDyxY Is ET Disclosure right under our nose and we don't recognize it? We are the Disclosure is the name of ET/UFO researcher Miguel Mendonca's brand new book, in two volumes. Loaded with great insights and a spectrum of interpretations about the ET disclosure subject and the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life and our engagement with it, "Disclosure" is more than just a grouping of "experts" who have much to share. Together, it draws a tapestry; a life story with many, many chapters, teaming with overwhelming evidence that a. ET presence is a reality and b. There's little to no chance that our official governments will ever disclose that such a reality exists. In this, my second interview with Miguel he delves deeply into his personal and societal philosophy about our so-called authorities and why it is absolutely imperative that we take the disclosure issue (and other such truths) into our own hands. This conversation definitely went places I hadn't suspected, but I