Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Penney Peirce – Metaphysics, The “Trump Factor” and Our Key to Evolution



https://youtu.be/6zggm86uPko What you are about to hear is not an interview per se, but a conversation, a free flow of thoughts and reflections. A discussion about our present reality and what it may mean in the larger scheme of things.  We’re now looking in the rearview mirror of a Presidential election here in the U.S. that has one contingent of society reeling, shaking their head in shock and dismay, protesting against what they believe will be a future steeped in hate and massive civil unrest  and yet another, proudly claiming victory, reveling in the defeat of the insiders and anxiously awaiting for the swamp to finally be drained. This is not about the fact that either side is wrong or right, but that both represent two extreme examples of how polarity has kept human kind’s ability to evolve under lock and key for so long. But that might be changing according to spiritual philosopher, and intuition expert Penney Peirce. She feels that this in your face ugly may actually be a good thing, and a means by