Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

William Buhlman – Higher Self Now!



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AxkbjNwts According to OBE expert, author, and researcher William Buhlman true revolutionary change will come when we change our ideas about death and dying. Right now, fear reigns supreme about so many aspects of life, including and especially death. William joins Alexis to discuss how we can all learn to first understand who we really are as spiritual beings and how to incorporate that new understanding into life so we can better prepare for the “afterlife.” Will our beliefs, ideologies and cultural programming bleed over into the afterlife? Will those ideas literally shape the environment(s) that we will inhabit once we leave the physical body? Is there only one “heaven” or “hell” as it’s been described in our world religious dogmas or are there infinite choices to make in where we will “go” once we shed our physical skin? And most importantly do we have a choice? And what about that light that we all hear about? Should we be aiming to enter the light or avoid it like