Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Donald Trump vs. ET Contact. Which is Our “New Reality?”



Though headlines describe President-Elect Donald Trump as our "new reality," Something MUCH bigger is around the corner. Buckle up! I want to begin by presenting to you a very stark and distinct contrast in what we might call “our new reality.” Have you recently heard that little line: “Our new reality” in the last 24-36 hours? Well, if you’ve been glued to the news recently, you surely have. Why? Because that's how the media is describing the unprecedented and to many unbelievable presidential election win of Donald Trump, and what may become a complete paradigm shift in how we acquaint with daily life. Many are still reeling from this unexpected turn of events; bracing for what they truly believe will be a brand new reality - one that includes everything from success to subjugation, depending on who you talk to. That's what the media is speaking of - The new reality that includes Trump! But what if I were to tell you, that there’s another reality, and it’s one that although very real to more individual