Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Paul Levy – Wetiko and the Collective Psychosis of Humanity



These days we are hearing repeated so often, that we are in a heightened state of alert. Of course the media connotation denotes that of fear and fragility, terrorism and trauma. But is this what we REALLY need to be alert TO and is there another underlying cause for all the tumult and evil in this world? Paul Levy, an author, gifted artist, philosopher, teacher and self-described wounded healer, is one who has tackled this very complex question. And the answer he gives may just surprise you. In this very important dialogue about the dynamics of what he calls a collective psychosis that is plaguing humanity, Paul feels that when we acknowledge that we all play some part in this drama or dream, we will begin the process of healing this virus of the mind. This interview may be challenging for some of you to hear, and for others it may just be the antidote that you’ve been long searching for. As always, only you can decide. Take a listen now to my interview with Paul Levy. Watch this interview on YouTube https:/