Dr. Chris Griffin Show: Simple Practice Breakthroughs To Make Your Life Easier

Season 2 Episode 7 – Stand Out as an Implant Dentist



We caught up with a true Stand Out Dentist, Dr. Ron Receuver of Louisville, Kentucky.  He totally transformed the way he practices over the past decade to become the go-to guy when locals think of dental implants in that area. If you want to learn how to stand out as an implant dentist or just to transform your practice period, you should pay close attention to this interview. In it you will learn: How he transitioned from insurance dependence and general practice to “The Implant Guy” How he learned a much better way to attract the patients he wanted than the ‘Standard’ discounted and free offers most dentists fall victim to thinking work (Hint: they really don’t anymore) How to Dominate Your Market Area doing things that scare most dentists And Much, Much More…