Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

436: Tiny Leaps, Big Changes – Gregg Clunis



Let's get that great paying job. Oh wait, that's way to big of a step. Let's take that trip around the world. Oh wait, that's to big of a step. Let's finally come out of the closet. Oh wait, that's to big of a step. Life is full of big steps, that lead to big changes, but the key is realizing, you can get there with tiny steps. Author Gregg Clunis - Tiny Leaps, Big Changes - shares insights on how all big changes come from the tiny leaps you take every day. About GreggGregg believes that no matter how busy you are or how hopeless and confused you might feel, your goals are possible if you can focus your time and energy on the tiniest next step rather than letting the fog overwhelm you. That might be hard to believe, but his life is proof of what is possible when you keep moving forward taking each day with one tiny leap at a time. When he was 8 his family sold everything they owned and immigrated to the U.S. with no real connections, no options, and no opportunity. Over the next 19 years his parents work