Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

435: Uncloseting your Hidden Demons – David Clive Price



Let's be honest. We all have little demons that infest our thoughts and prevent us from being who we really want to be and are capable of being. Some of these little demons are hidden demons. Yet, we all have more control over them than we give ourselves credit. David Clive Price, author of Hidden Demons, shares his tools for getting at those hidden demons so that you can step into your life, whether you are coming out of the closet, or taking your next big risk. You've got to dump the demons unless you wish to stay isolated in your own miserable life. ()AboutDr. David Price is a #1 Best-Selling Author of, Bamboo Strong: Cultural Intelligence Secrets and the newly published Hidden Demons: How to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Addiction to Thrive in Crisis. The story of Hidden Demons is raw and straightforward. Just like many of us in these difficult times, th