Foundation Church

Mark 7:31-37



Discipleship Questions: 1. What is the present status of your prayer life? How can your prayer life be strengthened? What factors distract you from prayer? 2. There is no place where earth’s sorrows are more felt than Heaven. What issues or areas of your heart do you need to take to Jesus and meet Him and receive his compassion and mercy? And how can you be a vessel of Jesus' compassion to those around you? 3. What can we learn about Jesus from his willingness to touch the deaf man? And not only him, but also the leper in Mark 1:40-45. How can you model your life after Jesus' example? Who are the 'untouchable' persons in our culture? 4. Why is God's Word central and necessary to establishing God's Kingdom? How did God use His Word in your life to draw you unto Him?