Wilde About Wellbeing

Stop Putting Things Off - 5 Tips to Confront Everything You Want To



What are you putting off - and why?   I HATED phone calls… I’m still not someone who is on the phone regularly.   I would procrastinate about every call I had to make. Or I would delegate it to someone else.   Having to handle accounting queries at work did MAKE me confront the fear of phones. I was being called multiple times a day.   It was only by analysing the stories in my life that I saw where this fear of the phone came from.   My dad was an incredibly hard working vet. In the early years of my life, he was on call most nights. I came to associate the phone ringing with him and my mum having to leave for a veterinary emergency. Dinners interrupted. Film nights cut short. Board games folded away early.   I associated the phone with an end to ‘playtime’. BOOM! There was the reason I didn’t like the phone. There was the reason I put off phone calls.   Only by acknowledging this story was I able to see how unhelpful it was to me. In today’s podcast, I share how to get over the stories from your past - AND