Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating Uncertainty, Inspirational Ways Moms are Living Through COVID-19 Series: Ann Kaplan :189



Have some of you enjoyed this time of quarantine, especially if you have teens? Today, we have Ann Kaplan on the show.  Ann talks about seeing her teens more than she normally would because of quarantine and how she has actually enjoyed it!  We talk about disappointments, from not being able to travel, to hanging out with friends and how we now have to think about "how to be with other people" and what that looks like.  Ann also points out that whatever issues we are dealing with now that most likely we were dealing with them before COVID-19.  She shares with us about not white knuckling motherhood and hopefully this moment in time will actually help us to learn to not do that. That we can believe in ourselves as moms and know we can do this and not just wait for reprieve.  Lastly, she talks about how figuring out how to get work done and getting time to yourself.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Please share with your friends, my goal is to get these episodes into as many moms'