Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating Uncertainty, Inspirational Ways Moms are Living Through COVID-19 Series: Christy Wright :186



Has your business taken a hit from COVID-19 ? Today, we have Christy Wright from Business Boutique and Ramsey Solutions back on the show!  If you missed her last episode you can check her out on episode 93.  I wanted to have her back to share with us some business ideas to help during this time-frame. Christy tells us to think short term, she doesn't normally recommend that but we have never experienced this before so things are different.  She said we can't be thinking about 2022, she wants you to just keep your lights on! She mentions that you might need to get creative, do something right now that will help you keep the doors open and it doesn't need to be for forever.  One thing that stood out to me is when she said that fear can be loud and that we need to assess our situation and look at the facts and not let fear take over. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Please share with your friends, my goal is to get these episodes into as many moms's ears as possible! I don't want an