Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating Uncertainty, Inspirational Ways Moms are Living Through COVID-19 Series: Laura Smith :185



Has this quarantine actually been a blessing in disguise for your family ? Today, we have Laura Smith back on the show!  If you missed her last episode you can check her out on episode 172.  I wanted to have her back to share with us what it looks like to have older kids during quarantine.  We talk about that we are weathering the same storm but our experiences look different. She shares with us that the hardest part as a mom is dealing with her kids disappointments like missing prom, possibly graduation and having to come home from college abruptly and how she can't fix it.  Laura does acknowledge that there have been a lot of blessings during this time frame too.  One of the stories that really stood out to me is when she explained that there is such a renewed sense of family and that they are able to take a giant exhale.  During this time she has realized that they were all over extended and she hopes after this that they won't fall victim to do all the things they did before.  Hear what she says about th