Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Simplifying Series-Storage: Stephanie Sikora: 180



Have you ever thought about the things that you store in your house that you never use? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show for part 4 of our simplifying series! Today we will be talking about storage and the cost that comes with storing a lot of things in our homes.  Stephanie challenges us to think about how much money we paying to store stuff in our house, how much of our mortgage are we spending to just store stuff? I thought that was such a great way to think about that.  Something I want to encourage you guys on is to think about what you are storing, if you had to pay for that space is that what you would want to be spending your money on in order to hold on those things? Maybe you would rather have that space for something else, take time to think about those things. One tip that Stephanie shared with us is start with easy projects, don't tackle the most difficult thing first.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Did you miss the last 3 weeks of our Simplifying S