Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Simplifying Series-Daily Systems : Stephanie Sikora : 179



Do you feel like it's so easy to have things fall through cracks on a daily basis? Today we have Stephanie Sikora back on the show for part 3 of our simplifying series! Today we will be talking about daily systems and how it can make your life easier.  Stephanie shares with us her tricks that help her on a daily basis to stay on top of things and not forget what is important.  She talks about if we have too much stuff, our systems can be inundated and so that is why its key to simplify our homes.  I even ask her if she has a junk drawer and how to best manage it? One topic that I wanted to pick her brain on is keeping the fridge organized! Who here shops at Costco or Sams and you get home and your fridge now looks like a game of Jenga trying to get stuff in and out?  One tip that Stephanie shared is how she remembers to give her kids their vitamins.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Did you miss the last 2 weeks of our Simplifying Series, where Stephanie and I talk about managing