Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Are you tired of being an angry mom? : Natalie Hixson: 173



Do you feel like you struggle with anger especially with your kids? Today we Natalie Hixson on the show and she is a certified life coach that helps discouraged moms overcome destructive anger and burnout.  She shares with us her journey of being an angry mom and what she did to process anger in a healthy way.  Natalie felt a calling to help other moms avoid those dark years of motherhood by helping them identify triggers, which resulted in controlling their reaction to those triggering solutions. One topic that stood out to me is when Natalie shared with us on how to find abundance and joy in motherhood for those days that just seem challenging.  Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to listen to the episode I did with Noelle Cordeaux on feeling lonely: Why do we feel so lonely?   Resources mentioned in the show Let me help you plan your next vacation (fore FREE) Are you trying to figure out your next vacation destination if it be with the fam