Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How do mom’s go about taking care of themselves financially? Christina Lynn: 169



Do you ever feel like it's so easy to put financial planning on any level on the back burner once you become a mom? Today we have financial planner Christina Lynn on the show and we are talking all about how finances can change for women after having kids. She shares with us that as busy moms it's easy to not pay attention to what is going on with our finances and how that can really put us in a bad position. Christina also talks about what mothers should not sacrifice financially as well as how we can take care of ourselves financially. She shares with us how to create a financial plan and goes over what an estate plan is and how to go about finding the right attorney in your state to help you draft a plan.  One topic that stood out to me is when she shared her story and how she wasn't really involved their family finances and how that caused problems later on. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Speaking of not putting yourself on the back burner, did you hear my recent