Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to raise men not boys : Mike Fabarez : 147



  Do you fear that you might not be raising your boys to be the men that you hoped and prayed for? I had the pleasure of speaking with author and pastor Mike Fabarez as we talk about his new book Raising Men, Not Boys.  Mike shares with us how important it is to raise Godly men and how that starts from a young age. He shares with us his thoughts on dating, getting them to sweat daily, setting his spiritual trajectory, the dynamics between a mom and a son as they get older and more.  One story that really stood out to me is he made it a priority to have a date night with his wife once week, no matter what!   Hear more on that topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode then you will most likely like this episode on Teens and Screens:teens and screens   Resources mentioned in the show: Lean 7 week online weight loss program: I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert. On this first episode of the series you’ll  find out: What intermittent fasting