Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Elizabeth Stone - mortality, perceptions & art



Welcome to episode 124 of photography insights.  This show i'm featuring another artist called Elizabeth Stone who has been recommended by both Jeanine Michna-Bales and Linda Alterwitz!  It's been really great recently to feature such different artists, who all have mutual respect for each others work.  Giving up their time to spend time with myself has been brilliant. Elizabeth has been in to photography for decades too, so understands darkrooms, film and light.  She's an interesting character who has been through those hard elements of life.  Seeing loved ones leave this world is never easy and Elizabeth has managed to capture this time through her photography art.  You will listen to us talk about 2 different projects, one about her mother and her father too.  I would urge you to look at the photos on my website for clarity of what we are discussing.  I know from conversations its sometimes hard to understand through audio only, but trust me its a beautiful memory s