Full Exposure With Brian Kelly

Governor Slugwell - Part Two



Governor Slugwell - Part Two PART TWO - The Godfather of Grand Rapids Hip Hop - Film Producer We’ve never done this before…that is…to split an incredible conversation into two episodes. This is Part TWO. Episode one is located here. In Part TWO, we dig into the Ministers of Authentic Hip Hop, the term “managerial racism” that appears in the book, “A City Within A City: The Black Freedom Struggle in Grand Rapids” by Todd E. Robinson, as well as Governor Slugwell’s plans to adapt this important book into a feature length documentary. Governor Slugwell is a community leader, hip hop evangelist, music industry mentor and film producer. Visit www.fullexposurepodcast.com/gov2 for so much more. This episode is made possible by: Metro Health | University of Michigan Health and Dr. Peter Hahn