Reveal Gathering

Seasoned with Salt



We encounter different types of people everyday. Whether it's in school, work, at the store or anywhere else, we constantly are in contact with other people. Yet every single person speaks a different vocabulary. Some are pleasant, others rude, some in-between. But, regardless of their vocabulary, their heart will always be reflected in their speech. It is the words we speak that define what is within us. Whatever you have deep inside is bound to come out. There's a solution to this; Colossians 4:6, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Bad friendships will destroy good habits. Because Jesus sent His spirit for us, our hearts can be cleansed and we are then able to have those graceful but seasoned conversations. It is ultimately up to us whether we allow Him to guide us and our words.