Reveal Gathering

Let Go, Let God



Prayer today seems like a natural thing if you grew up in Christian family, A prayer could be a call for help from God, or maybe a simple thank you - regardless of what the prayer is about, is it effective? Is it heard by God? Is it even meaningful? Does it even have a point? Just because a prayer is loud or ‘powerful’, does not mean it is effective or actually powerful. We as people like to be in control of our lives, and sometimes that inner control we live by begins to take over our spiritual life which results in failure. The more times we try to control a situation that is in God's hands, the more times we fail and begin to grow numb and tired spiritually. To be confident in Christ everyday equals being confident in yourself. The only moment when we realize we are asleep is when we wake up in Christ. A purposeful and powerful prayer may be your answer, but pursuing God persistently will give God the chance to work.