Ccdp Messages

Part - 5



Lamentations is not known for being the most enjoyable book in the Bible but it is one that we can appreciate for its fearless honesty. God has never called us to bottle up our emotions or to keep our emotions separate from our walk with God. Jesus, who is perfect and sinless, didn’t avoid His painful emotions but allowed Himself to experience the full spectrum of emotion throughout His life, including lament. The book of Lamentations gives us a Biblical foundation and, more importantly, an invitation to process our grief, sorrow, agony, and the effects of sin before the Lord. The book of Lamentations shows us that it’s okay not to be “okay.” Let’s face it, expressing deep mourning and grief makes us feel vulnerable. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe we need to take a deep breath, let down our walls, and come to grips with our need for a Savior who embraces us with grace in our grief.