Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

Motocross Champion, Hollywood Stunt Man – Will Harper, Episode 34



Welcome to Sound Behavior Podcast, episode 34 with special guest, Will Harper, motocross champion and Hollywood stuntman. Will had natural talent and won the first of his three pro motocross championships by the time he was nineteen. The future looked promising for Will, but injuries forced him into retirement at the ripe old age of twenty-four. Will was not prepared for dealing with the loss of the only thing he ever really loved doing. Mad at the world, he went on a rampage, going to night clubs, drinking and snorting cocaine. Within a year, he was arrested for cocaine possession and got a one-year sentence in Los Angeles county jail. When he finished his time, Will decided to become a stuntman. Will became a top motorcycle stuntman and stared in, Avengers, Captain America 2, Iron Man 2 & 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2, I, Cowboys and Aliens, Lone Ranger, doubling Sylvester Stallone in “First Blood” and doing some major stunts on “The A Team” plus many other TV shows and movies.  While working on a Mel