3 Minutes With Kent

Getting a Native ESM module imported into a CommonJS module



Hey friends So today. I just want to mention something that I've been working on for the last couple days. So if you didn't know node version 10 is the last version of node that so does not support native ECMAScript modules without a flag. So you can use ECMAScript modules with node version 10, but you need to pass it a flag version 12 and above I'll do not require a flag they just support a native ESM out of the box. And what's exciting about this is it means that package authors can start using native ES module.'s and and we can consume them as native modules and we don't have to compile down or compile away those ES modules. This is a good thing but it also comes with a fair number of complications. For one thing we're not there are interesting semantics with the way that ESM works native ESM. For example, you cannot use require for a native ES module. So, you can't just require a library or another module that you've written. You.Have to use an import statement. Now, you're probably working in if you're w