3 Minutes With Kent

How to solve programming problems



Hey friends so today is office hour stay and I am answered a question on office hours that I thought I'd share with you and it's from Salem and the question was hey can't can you walk us through the process for when you get stuck on a problem and what I do is I try to find where the problem is. I don't try to just do a bunch of random things and hope that one of them works or the solves a bug or whatever because what can happen is, you can implement the wrong solution in the right place and and move the problem andSo that you like you haven't actually saw the problem you just moved it somewhere else and now you think that you've solved the problem but you're gonna hear about this in the future and or like you might implement something wrong and and somebody else can create this problem all over again, so you need to understand why the problem exists as well as how you can avoid it in the future and then it can actually help to have a test in place to make sure that the problem doesn't show up again, so one th