3 Minutes With Kent

You Can Use React EVERYWHERE: Custom React renderers



https://github.com/chentsulin/awesome-react-renderer Hey friends So today I want to tell you about this repo I found called Awesome React Renderer and I'll add a link to it in the notes here, but you know how you have the reactant module and then you have react on and then you have react native. Well, these are called renderers so react is responsible for creating the elements and stuff. And then these different renderers are responsible for taking those elements when things are supposed to be rendered and showing it up in whatever environment that it's in whether that be in the web or if it's on an aided device or whereverWell it turns out that because of this plugal went nature people are able to innovate and do some really cool things with react and this repo lists a bunch of different custom renderers that people have built. So you've got React dominant here, but you also have react to tiny dom which is a minimal implementation of React on using React Reconcilary, which is interesting. I'm not sure I'd re