3 Minutes With Kent

Doesn't matter how slow something is if you can cache it before the user



So I've been working with Remax for a little while and I'm still trying to learn enough about it that I can articulate my feelings on it really well because I know a lot of people are comparing it to next year yes and and likewise should I pay for something when there's a free option? Trust me, this is gonna be huge and I'm super excited for when they do things to make it so people can try it out a little bit more. But as I was working with it, I,Am or just over the last few months that I've been working with it it embraces browser-level caching and CDN caching so naturally that this becomes really nice. So when we're talking about like resources that can be cached heavily regardless of the user even with the user honestly like with user data one of the nice things about that sort of caching strategy is it means that?You can not be lazy but be more ambitious with the sorts of performance things that you're doing on the server. And so like, for example, I had I'm able to have my blogs be built and calculated o