3 Minutes With Kent

List out different things that appear to do the same thing



Hey friends so I'm rendering a blog post today and I learned to something that, I thought you might find interesting. I'm not specifically the thing that I learned but just the thing that I learned about when you're trying to teach something. Anyway, so the if you're entering something new you're getting into a new space and and there are a lot of things that seem similar to you and you're like, I don't know what to use this or that or whatever and they just seem like they satisfied same use cases. It can be really useful to list out and kind of try to categorize all of those.At a different use cases or the different things that seem similar So specifically I'm talking about functions with type script. Now with regular JavaScript, there are lots of different ways to write functions, you've got properties on objects, you have methods on objects you have class methods. You have arrow functions. You have function declarations and expressions and so there are a lot of different ways to write functions and then yo